Site Instruction
Sit Instructions is a collection of web portals which consolidate all infromation of site instructions.
It contaisn 3 part:
- Request for Site Instruction / Claim (RSIC)
- Site Instruction (SI)
- Outstanding Instruction
- Quotation (SCQ)
- Valuation of Variation (SL7)
Request for Site Instruction / Claim (RSIC)
Registered external users, including Subcontractor Officers, can create
a new Instruction / Claim on this page.
Select Site Instructions -> Request for Site Instruction / Claim (RSIC)
Create Instruction
In Select a Subcontract, select your Project -> Subcontractor -> Subcontract Num.
All submitted instrucitons would be shown according to your selection.
a new Instruction, input Request By and Instruction Details, then press SubmitNote
Optionally, you may select Upload File to upload attachment if you have.
The instruction is created with a new instruction number. In the same time, our project Initiator would receive a notification email.
Site Instruction (SI)
This page display
all project instructions submitted by Subcontracotors or internal Initiator. It is used to trace all the instructions status.
Select Site Instructions -> Site Instruction (SI)
Check Instructions details
Select your Project.
All submitted instrucitons, including RSIC, would be shown.
Click on the RSIC Number or SI Number to
the instruction detailsAfter the SI is issued, a physical instruction can be downloaded by clicking Issued under Status column.
Outstanding Instruction
All instructions would be initiated
, assessed
, approved
vai Outstanding Instruction.
Initiate Instruction (Initiators)
After a new instruction is submitted, a new task would assigned to Initiator on the outstanding task list
Click the gear button
to review instruction details
instruction information and press Save Information- Close the dialog and refresh the page, then the updated information would show on the task.
- Select the Instuction Number and double confirm the input details. Then press Approve to complete the task.
Assess Instruction (Quantity Surveyors)
- After Initiate the instruction the RSIC would updated to SI.
- Same as Initiator, click the gear button
to open the details.
the instruction, then Save Estimation.- Close the dialog and refresh the page, then the estimated amount would show on the task.
- Select the Instuction Number and double confirm the input details. Then press Assess to complete assessment.
Approve Instruction (Supervisors / Managers)
- Same as Quantity Surveyors, supervisors, such as Project Manager, would receive the task notification after assessment.
- They can check the information by the gear button and take
depend on their decision.
Quotation (SCQ)
After a Site Instruction is approved, a email would be sent to the selected subcontractor officers.
With the Link details
, officers would download the Site Instruction.
And they can submit their quotation via the Quotation page.
Select Site Instruction -> Quotation (SCQ)
Submit Quotation
- Select Project and Subcontractor to show all quotation request.
- Press edit button
to open quotation request.
Input your quotation information and upload a soft copy of it.
Project Quantity Surveyors would recieve a notification of your submission.
Valuation of Variation (SL7)
Please refer the following manuals for your operation.